I'm a firm believer of embracing creativity in life. That is creativity both as a pursuit outside of medicine as well as approaching the challenges of our work in a creative way. 'We've always done it that way' is one of the most dangerous phrases in the English language.
George Mpanga is a spoken word artist from humble beginnings in inner city London. He began rapping as a teenager, went on to study politics, psychology and sociology in Cambridge. He subsequently won a social enterprise competition and used his $30,000 prize money to fund a series of secondary school poetry workshops for underprivileged children in London.
'I think rappers are primarily expected to make money for the industry and provide party soundtracks, but obviously there are exceptions and grey areas. The poet’s 'role' is usually to provide thoughtful social commentary'
George provides us with a framework for life in the video below, urging us to consider 4 things before we speak or act.
Is it Fair? Is it Honest? Is it Positive? Is it Creative?
If you can answer yes to all four, then your words and actions are likely to be sustainable and lead to a better world.
'Do you ever question your plan of action; or are you just on a quest for satisfaction?'
More on his website or Facebook page.